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Saturday, January 25, 2014

It turns out there is no warm up phase to DTS or any fluffy topics to ease you in.  It is intense right from the get-go.  But, as LJ (one of our lovely DTS staff) said, God was ready to do this with me.  There has been immense change in my life in these past few days.  God has healed my heart in so many ways.  I'm being super vague about it right now, because I feel really inspired to write a short story about it - I feel that will explain it better.  I will say, though, that God has really shown me how much he loves me, and the love of the King of kings is a beautiful thing.

As far as working in the community, this week has been incredible!  On Tuesday we did an after school program in the slum.  I was in the arts and crafts group.  We made friendship bracelets and colored the armor of God.  It was difficult, not knowing any Thai.  I didn't even know any of the rudimentary key phrases like I knew in Spanish while in Costa Rica.  But it still worked out fine - smiling and hand motions, that's all you can do.  I was taking some pictures, and of course they looooove cameras!  I took a selfie with one of the older girls and then she asked for my camera and went around taking pictures of everyone.  She actually got some really good shots!  Someone brought their two pets to the school - sugar gliders!  Tiny little squirrels with flaps between their legs so they can glide from tree to tree.  They are the cutest little things.  They would leap from person to person and climb all over everyone.  So soft and adorable!  As we were getting ready to leave, one little Thai girl (what a character) was playing with Manuel and I.  She would go tap Manuel on the back and then run and hide behind me.  When Manuel looked around, she would blame it on me.  She probably did this for about ten minutes, shrieking with laughter every time.

On Friday night, I was involved with youth night here at the Ark office.  We had 11 kids between the ages of about 10 and 15 that come for games, worship, teaching and a sleepover.  What an amazing night.  The little boy that we prayed for in the slums, that had the nosebleeds and headaches, came.  It was so exciting to see him!  I'm still love with those big brown eyes and beautiful smile.  All of us girls are fighting over who gets to take him home.  I'm determined to win.  Anyways, we asked how he was doing and he said he only gets nosebleeds when he's very tired and they aren't nearly as heavy as before.  We prayed, along with the youth, for further healing for him.  It is so wonderful to see what God has started doing in him!
The teaching that Melinda gave to the kids was about God's power.  When she asked what they would do if nothing was impossible for them, some of their answers were absolutely heartbreaking.  The first girl to answer said she would get her bachelors degree.  The next boy said he would study abroad.  The girl after that said she would travel the world.  They all have such beautiful dreams for their lives, and they are so smart and capable of achieving them.  Their situation in life has them trapped though.  They have a hard life, and they know it.
After our youth night activities were over, Andi and I hung out with a few of the youth girls.  One of them kept giving us hugs and telling us she loved us.  We love her too!  What an absolute sweetheart.  She has been learning English in school, so she was getting our help reading some easy words from the titles of books and also writing notes.  She wrote out a word for every letter in the alphabet, names of friends, and short notes to us, with a little help from us for spelling.  We were having so much fun with these girls, that we turned into the fun babysitters who let the kids stay up way past their bedtime - whoops.  Oh well.  I'm very excited to spend the next few Friday nights with these guys.

And I'm spending my 21st birthday in Thailand!  Not exactly what I had been thinking of doing for my 21st, but I'm not complaining!  It has been a beautiful day - hot, but still fairly cool for Thailand.  I had a really lazy morning (a welcome rarity) and a few of us went to Ram 2 market for lunch and shopping.  I have had my eye on this one clothing booth ever since we did the scavenger hunt on our first day and I finally had a chance to go buy a couple things!  I had some KFC style (except better) chicken on a stick, sticky rice, pineapple and iced cocoa (basically ice, cocoa and condensed milk - so good, and probably so bad for a person) for my birthday lunch.  Not sure what we'll be up to, but I am at least expecting a cake.  (They asked what kind of cake I wanted, I'm not just being an entitled birthday brat.)

Prayer Requests:

that God would completely heal the little boy's nosebleeds

for continued growth in my deepening relationship with God

for openness of hearts as we go through lectures, to be open to what God has to say

for strength and rest - we are always exhausted!

for health - I've been struggling with my protein issue again (if I don't eat enough protein I get nauseous and faint and feel all around miserable), except it is worse than ever here.  No matter how much I eat, I just feel constantly sick.

Thank God for all that he has done in my life so far!


  1. Keep listening to the LORD and then doing what he tells you and your relationship with him will deepen. There's an old song ... TRust and Obey ... for there's no other way ... to be happy in Jesus ... but you probably are learning this too! Bless you.


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