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For the past month I have been getting asked the same questions over and over.  And over.  Andoverandoverandover.  I always try to answer them as nicely and truthfully as possible.  And believe me, the hundredth time I got asked these questions, I had to try really hard.
So here is an outlet for all my sarcasm.  And the whole truth.  Because honestly, I dumbed it down for most people.

1) Are you ready?
What is that supposed to mean?  Mentally?  Physically?  Emotionally?  Spiritually?  Because no.  No to all the things.  I'm not ready.  How am I supposed to prepare for such an experience?  It's going to be different from anything I've ever done, so how could I possibly prepare?  And physically ready is also a no.  I will likely not pack until the day before I leave.  So just assume that I am not ready in any way.

2) How many people are going to be on your DTS? (and other specific questions about my DTS)
I don't know why the answer to this was so hard to impress upon people - I know very little about what will actually happen once I get there.  I have no clue how many people are going to be there.  I don't know what all the classes will be about.  I don't know what my room will be like or how many girls I will be sharing with.  I don't know where my outreach will be or EXACTLY what we will be doing.  Basically, I know about as much as you do.  Which is nothing.

3) So are you going with anyone?  Do you know anyone who will be there?
No.  No I do not.  Again, not sure why this answer was so difficult for people to grasp.  I am travelling.  By myself.  I will meet people there.  They also likely will not know anyone.  This is not meant to be a friends travel adventure.  This is a time for me and God.  The best way to get out of your comfort zone and grow is to GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.  I made this decision to go by myself, for myself.  And it's not hugely brave or adventurous of me... that's just what a DTS is.  People don't pick their university or their major or their career depending on what their friends are doing.  This is just the same.

4) (and this one is my favorite) Are you excited?
What kind of a question is that?!  "I know you've been insanely busy for the past while with all your work and Christmas and life in general, but I bet besides keeping your head above water you must be really focussed on wrapping your head around how you're going to be leaving home for five months to live in a foreign country." "I know you love travel and working with kids, so going to Thailand for five months to volunteer with children at risk probably isn't your thing.  But are you at all excited?"
So, non-sarcastically: yes and no.  Obviously I'm excited to have the chance to be a part of this amazing adventure and do God's work.  But do you realize how hard it is to comprehend going on that long of a trip?  It doesn't feel real.

Despite all that, I will be getting on a plane on January 8th and my adventure will begin.  The more I talk about it, the more excited I get.  And as I find out answers to all of your burning questions, I will share them with you.  I really can't wait for this journey to begin. :)


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