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My 23rd Psalm

I am getting exhausted. I've gotten tired and worn out several times on this trip. Exhausted in every way - physically, spiritually, emotionally. And every time I think this is it, that I can't go on anymore, God leads me back to Psalm 23. It seemed cliche, until I realized that, despite being one of those overused/not fully understood verses, it is still God's word. He can use it to speak to me and encourage me. And there is so much solid truth and encouragement in these six verses.

I wrote my own version of the Psalm (using NIV) today during my quiet time, when God led me to this passage yet again.

My 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my shepherd. I am a part of his flock and I am valuable to him. He watches over me and sees everything that is going on around me. He provides shelter and food and water and everything that I need. He protects me from dangerous terrain and from predators lying in wait to attack me.
With him I lack nothing. When I am with him, there is nothing that I want. I am provided for in every way. In him I am completely whole.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. He takes me to a beautiful place of rest when I have become too weary. He leads me to places that are clean and fresh, places of renewal.
He refreshes my soul. When my very soul is worn out, he brings new life and strength. He restores the tired and injured and broken parts of my soul. He makes me new.
He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake. He is my perfect guide. He knows the paths along which he desires to take me. He leads me through my decisions and directs me through life. He guides me to bring glory to his name. By being a good guide, he is true to his character. When I follow him, he can use me to do his work and declare his name.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, where all dark things close in on me, and even death casts its shadow around me, I will fear no evil. The darkness cannot overcome me, for you are with me. You are light; you drive away the darkness. Your perfect love casts out fear. I am not afraid when you are with me.
You are equipped with your rod to fight off evil and your staff to hold me close to you. I am comforted for I know you are my protector and defender.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You provide abundantly and extravagantly for me, and you invite me to come sit down and partake of all the good things you have prepared for me. Even when I am surrounded by enemies and danger and opposition, I do not have to run. I can enjoy your goodness in all situations.
You anoint my head with oil. You bless me with all good things. You have marked me to be holy and set apart. You have called and prepared me for a special purpose.
My cup overflows. You fill me to the brim with your goodness and keep on pouring. I am overwhelmed by your love.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. There is not a single day of my life that I will have to go without you. You are always with me. Your plans for me are good and full of love. You made me with goodness and love, you guide me with goodness and love, you lead me to goodness and love. You cause my life to be overflowing with goodness and love.
During my life I can enjoy glimpses of your presence in the love and goodness you give to me. And, when my days are over, I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I am his daughter, whom he loves, and he has prepared a place for me to be in his presence for all of eternity.  


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