I've been saying that a lot. Really high pitched. It has to be said high pitched. Examples of its usage: I love Toni! I love tacos! I love Combos! I love Mini Joes! Apparently I use it in reference to food quite a bit... heh, heh... Other things I've picked up here that I'm saying lots: "beast/beastly", "stud/studly/stud muffin", (in response to "Why?") "Why not?". I've also started making random noises randomly and my klutziness has increased immensely. Yep, Ecuador is rubbing off on me. I love Ecuador!!!
On Friday, November 29, 2013 I was officially accepted to the CARM DTS in Bangkok, Thailand! I saw the email and said, "Huh." A little underwhelming of a response, I know. But I had just been so stressed out for so long, being unable to make plans for my trip and frustration had been building. So seeing my acceptance was more of an exasperated "Finally!", than a "Yay, I get to go!". Of course, the news started to sink in throughout the day and I began to get excited about going to Thailand for five months. At least I was excited when I wasn't looking at the overload of information and extensive lists of things to do, sending me into full on panic attacks. Then I had to figure out how and where and when to apply for my visa. We conveniently have a Thai Consulate right in Edmonton, so the how and where was very simple. The when on the other hand - not so much. My work schedule, which includes three respite families and Famoso, is d...
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